Childhood Trauma Leads to Brains Wired for Fear

Childhood Trauma  


The human brain is a social organ that is shaped by experience, and that is shaped in order to respond to the experience that you’re having. So particularly earlier in life, if you’re in a constant state of terror; your brain is shaped to be on alert for danger, and to try to make those terrible feelings go away. 

The brain gets very confused. And that leads to problems with excessive anger, excessive shutting down, and doing things like taking drugs to make yourself feel better. These things are almost always the result of having a brain that is set to feel in danger and fear. 

As you grow up an get a more stable brain, these early traumatic events can still cause changes that make you hyper-alert to danger, and hypo-alert to the pleasures of everyday life. 

EVERY Child has a Right:

EVERY child has a right;
To be tucked in bed every night.
To go to bed without fearing what the next day will bring.
To be happy.
To be loved.
To be kept warm.
To be held when they cry.
To know that THEIR voice will be heard.
To feel that nothing can ever happen that can’t be fixed be some one who cares.
To never cower.
Or tremble.
Or shake.
Or have their innocence punched or kicked
or screamed away.
To be a CHILD.
To have a childhood.

EVERY child deserves these FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS!!!!



Please read. Know. Protect your children. Talk to them…even if this subject makes your skin crawl (understandably), but SO necessary. 

Be proactive. Know the signs….always believe a child if they disclose ANY abuse!!

Myth: If a child is sexually abused, she or he will immediately come and tell.

Myth: Children disclose immediately after the abuse and provide a detailed account of what has occurred.

Myth: Children are more likely to disclose if directly questioned by their parent or an adult authority figure who can help.

Myth: Disclosure is always a one-time event.

FACT: Disclosure of sexual abuse is often delayed; children often avoid telling because they are either afraid of a negative reaction from their parents or of being harmed by the abuser. As such, they often delay disclosure until adulthood.